Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
KPMG Infrastrucure team has been in close contact with different stakeholders involved in infrastructure development across Latin America with the objective to discuss strategies following Covid-19, namely around infrastructure planning, contract reconfiguration, and the importance of the sector for the region’s economic growth.
Following these discussions, we decided to create the series “KPMG Latin America Infrastructure Podcasts”where, through regular podcasts, we share our views and of the different stakeholders we spoke to about the sector and its importance for the economic rebound post Covid-19.
In our first podcast we spoke with Chris Garman, Managing Director at Eurasia Group. Chris shared his views on how governments are responding to the current pandemic crisis and its impacts in the infrastructure sector.
A equipe de Infraestrutura da KPMG tem estado em contato regular com líderes das principais empresas e governos da América Latina atuantes no mercado de infraestrutura, com o propósito de discutir estratégias de negócios, planos de investimentos no setor e inovação e os desafios para este mercado diante do avanço da Covid-19.
Esses debates impulsionaram a iniciativa KPMG Latin America Infrastructure Podcasts,que traz uma série de podcasts sobre o setor de Infraestrutura na região latino-americana.
O podcast inaugural contou com a participação de Chris Garman, Diretor da Eurasia. Na ocasião, Garman, compartilhou as suas perspectivas sobre os impactos do novo coronavírus na América Latina, como os governos estão respondendo à crise e os impactos no setor de Infraestrutura.